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Grassfire Communications

Targeted communication has never been easier!

Political Leadership Wanted

Password Retrieval

You may recover your Account Password here by providing either 1) your current ARA Username or 2) your current Email Address (as provided to ARA and stored in our Database). We will lookup your Account based on the information you provide and send an email to the Email Address associated with your Account. If you do not receive an email shortly, be sure to check your "Spam" Folder. Follow the instructions in the email.

Username or Email:
Required. Enter your Username or the Email Address associated with your Membership Account. Be sure to try them both if you do not get a Password Recovery Email from us within a short period of time.

If you cannot remember your Login Credentials (i.e., either your Username or Email Address), please contact the ARA Support Team directly at: support@americansrestoringamerica.com. They will be happy to assist in your Account recovery.

Be sure to read:

Once We Were Colonists — A Primer in Jurisdiction

Read/Download the PDF here!

Weekly Conference Calls

Phone: 206.402.0100      PIN: 217399#

Saturday: 9pm Eastern — Estate Planning / Asset Protection


Monday: 9pm Eastern — Correct My Political Status


Tuesday: 9pm Eastern — Jurisdiction Studies


For Further Information:  800.625.4250     www.AmericansRestoringAmerica.com